Monday, February 8, 2010

Just an Addendum

Everything Dan wrote in “Why why why” is completely correct, but I think it sounds more serious than it really is! In reality, I drank once or twice a week while living in Korea, far more than I ever have before (well excluding high school, but who counts high school?). I was not into partying in college and I did not have the typical college experience in anyway (WAY too responsible…and stoned). Moving to Korea actually gave me my first taste of heavy, persistent drinking, and damn was it sweet! Then I realized there might be a downside to drinking myself into oblivion every weekend. Part of the downside is that I never want the party to stop. For some reason my boyfriends always want to go home before 10am. Conflict ensues. The other part is that I don’t care about anyone else when I drink. I just want to have a good time, and I do, regardless of anyone else’s feelings. That’s not nice. And I’m usually a nice person. Go figure.

Anyway, I’ve decided that with my family’s history of alcoholism and a general feeling that I am wasting my time, money and youthful good looks drinking, it was time to call it quits. I’ve had my share of post-intoxication ambiguous guilty feelings, stupid indiscretions and stories not suitable for children. So I’m done! But don’t worry, it’s not because my liver is failing, I’m facing criminal charges and everyone in my life severed all ties with me after that last intervention, like Dan would have you believe! :) A

1 comment:

  1. Bravo. I'm also 26, sober for 13 months. For some of the same reasons, and many more.

    Good luck. =]
