Wednesday, May 26, 2010

뭐 말해요

I don't do much anymore and subsequently there is less to write about. Interesting things are happening on the Korean peninsula although I am acutely aware as to how amateurish any opinions I might have on the subjects are.

First, we're going to war. That's right, the tensions are at an all time high and still these kids keep coming to their after after after after school school. They should be reinforcing bunker walls or piling tins on wooden shelves in cinder block rooms. The North is coming with their starving army ready to rape and pillage and shell. At least that's what the bond market is telling the Won which is dropping like a mobster's quarry in the East river. Don't get me wrong they've made some pretty aggressive moves and no one really knows why. The Lee administration was taking a harder stance and has been more unwilling to give them food aid as they're about to experience another epic famine. North Korea has cut all lines of communication and lambasted the South with their typically hyperbolic rhetoric, all this for correctly surmising that the North torpedoed their ship. War would be practically suicidal for both parties involved. The North has enough artillery along the DMZ to do some serious damage to Seoul and Gyeonggi-do, which would probably put the Won at about 2000.00 or more to the dollar, so I would be making $1000.00 a month from $1900.00. As it stands I've lost 200 dollars in monthly income in 7 days because of this bullshit (only 5 trading days). Anyway, the North would certainly lose their regime and Korea would be unified with a substantial amount of pain, like two Asian virgins on their wedding night. So there's no incentive for anyone to do it, unless the North's leaders ended up drinking their own Kool-Aid about the superiority of the North Korean army. It's not going to happen now please put my currency back.

That reminds me of another bone I have to pick with the term Kool-Aid. This term generally comes from the mass suicide of the Jim Jones cult. What 김종일 and his posse up in North Korea do with their propaganda certainly resembles an ideology that has completely lost touch with any sort of reality and is a bit death cultish. The Obama Administration's economic policies are not comparable to this sort of mass insanity. So, ignorant right-wing assholes, when arguing about the efficacy of a Keynesian economic programme please refrain from referring to people who believed that taking cyanide would take them to a heaven planet. Thanks, the non insane people of the world.

Also, it's election time. And I thought that the American electoral process was a moribund spectacle. While we certainly spend much more money on electing untrustworthy representatives to positions of power, the Koreans do it much more vigorously and with a style that is all their own. Buses and tiny trucks with people's faces plastered on them like a racing team. Lady doctors with glasses and men attempting to look as casual as an ajosshi can look adorn every building from my aparte to the river. The intersection at my school is daily taken up with their antics. Ajummas standing on each corner dancing a lame macarena to the toneless jingle that someone's put together and chanting the name of the candidate that pays them (I assume, do they publicly humiliate themselves on streetcorners willingly), speechifying acolytes in tiny stages on the edges of the intersections blocking the turning radii of buses, daily occurrences. This country needs some noise ordinances.

Was this interesting? (y/n) Am I cute? (y/n)


  1. I thought so. But then I thought that if it was the short o sound it would be romanized Kim Jeong Il. Thanks.
